Armodafinil UK is a nootropic used for cognitive enhancement with the express purpose of combatting the effects of excessive fatigue promoting wakefulness. The cognition-enhancing effects of this drug are not new to the market, as the popular modafinil was the first generation of this type of medication. This drug was initially produced in France under the name Nuvigil, and was approved by the FDA in 2007. It was intended to be a more effective treatment than its predecessor, and to have more consistent results.
In this blog, we will discuss the specific sleep-related disorders which the drug is designed to alleviate, as well as how to use it correctly. We will also discuss how this medication works, and its unique chemical structure. We will briefly cover the off label use of this drug, and where it can be purchased without a prescription.
Wakefulness Disorders
Beyond fatigue, armodafinil UK also is effective at combating the fatigue of certain sleep-related disorders, most notably narcolepsy and obstructive sleep apnoea. Let’s briefly discuss these disorders before going into exactly what armodafinil is.
Narcolepsy is a neurological disorder in which the brain is unable to regulate the body’s patterns of wakefulness. It causes individuals to feel a sudden and irresistible urge to sleep throughout the day, leading to “sleep attacks” in which the patient suddenly falls asleep. This condition is uncommon, but it is widely known among the general public due to the peculiarity of its symptoms.
Another condition, obstructive sleep apnoea, occurs in individuals who experience a blockage or obstruction of the airways during sleep. This results in less restful sleep overall, and subsequent fatigue throughout the day.
What is Armodafinil UK?
Armodafinil functions as a dopamine reuptake inhibitor and as an indirect dopamine agonist. Chemically, this drug is almost identical to the first generation drug Modafinil. It is an enantiopure R-enantiomer of Modafinil, which is a quick way to understand the similar yet distinct naming of the two drugs.
Additionally, this drug stands out due to its lower likelihood to cause adverse reactions if taken within prescribed guidelines. Although there may be mild side effects for some users, the benefits of this drug are compelling and certain to attract the attention of anyone who might be suffering from an above mentioned sleep disorder. It has also captured the attention of those who want to increase their overall cognitive function and boost their productivity.
Because armodafinil has the express purpose of counteracting the sleep-depriving and fatiguing effects of disorders like narcolepsy and sleep apnoea, it follows that the medication itself should be powerful in its stimulating effect. Indeed, the effects of this particular drug are likely to last from between 12 to 15 hours.
How to Take
Generally, it is recommended to take the prescribed dose of armodafinil prior to a work shift or at the start of the day. This way you can stay awake all day long, and then the effects wear off by the time you go to bed. Even the lowest dose of this drug, about 50 mg, can last for 12 to 15 hours, and so serious consideration of one’s intended sleep schedule and daily duties must be taken prior to dosage.
Although 50 mg is the lowest pharmaceutical dosage, it is more typical in the case of serious disorders to be given a dose of 150mg. This dose varies both according to the severity of the disorder and according to the unique physiology of the individual in question.
Additionally, armodafinil has a few noteworthy contraindications. Specifically, the medication has been known to reduce the effectiveness of contraceptive agents, and it also may interfere with the effectiveness of anticoagulants and certain benzodiazepines.
Off Label Use
The most widespread off label use for this of drug is for general cognitive enhancement. Beyond this, some doctors may prescribe it to improve cognitive function in those with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). This drug may also be prescribed to alleviate the symptoms of fatigue in those with conditions less commonly associated with fatigue, namely depression.
Finally, armodafinil UK has the potential to alleviate the symptoms commonly associated with drug addiction recovery, especially that of cocaine addiction, wherein it has been shown to increase mood and focus during recovery.
How to Order Armodafinil UK?
One option for ordering armodafinil is via the website There can be found a wealth of information about this drug, its history, its development and its fanciful depiction in popular media.
If you wish to order, simply click “BUY NOW” and fill out the form with the correct shipping details and payment information.
Let’s summarize with a few statistics from the National Sleep Foundation. Between 10% and 30% of adults struggle with insomnia, while 2% – 9% are affected by obstructive sleep apnoea, and 89% of adults have at least one electronic device in their bedrooms.
These statistics suggest that a large percentage of the population may suffer from disturbed sleep to varying degrees, and could therefore benefit from the increased alertness and cognitive function of nootropics like armodafinil. It is effective in counteracting the negative effects of chronic fatigue.
As a nootropic, this drug has the capacity to boost cognitive function and raise alertness levels which, for some, may have a dramatically life-improving effect. This treatment can be easily purchased on our online pharmacy at a low cost. Our home delivery service will deliver your medication right to your door.
Author Profile
Charles Edwards is a Clinical pharmacist with 20 years of experience whose credentials include a Master of Pharmacy (MPharm) from the university of Manchester and a Postgraduate Clinical Pharmacy Diploma from King’s College London. He enjoys sharing insights gleaned from his experience as well as his ongoing research in the field of pharmaceutical nootropics.
He is a registered member of the General Pharmaceutical Council (GPhC). Here you can connect with him on social media via and linkedin for further information.
Learn firsthand how promising armodafinil is as reliever of chronic fatigue and booster of overall cognitive function at